
Showing posts from January, 2019

Fantasy Football and the Crisis of Change

It was summer 2018. Life just didn't seem to be going the way I'd have liked, and I was looking for ways to shake it up. When I used to picture myself as a 32 year old woman, I saw someone with a lucrative career, working as a scientist and making the world a better place. She had it all, the beautiful home, the nice car, the handsome husband and maybe a kid or two (maybe). She was in good condition physically, and somehow always managed to have her nails neatly manicured, and her hairstyle carelessly elegant - perhaps in a side braid with diamond earrings flashing modestly from behind artfully arranged tendrils. You can probably guess that the image in my head does not match reality.  I graduated from college during the Great Recession of 2008 with a Biology degree... a Bachelor of Arts. Needless to say, I was not immediately launched into a rewarding career or making boatloads of science cash.  Instead I moved back home and worked at a gas station for a couple of years, wo